Kurt Van der Elst

as long as we are playing (8+)

kabinet k, LOD & hetpaleis / kabinet k & Thomas Smetryns
Fri 1 Nov - Sat 21 Aug
1 Nov
21 Aug

In as long as we are playing, kabinet k (Joke Laureyns & Kwint Manshoven) and composer Thomas Smetryns explore new directions. Together with seven children, Kwint Manshoven, Marieke Berendsen and Louise Tanoto on stage, they represent 'play' as a metaphor for society.

As long as we are playing is a performance like a playground, a reserve for possibilities and interpretations. Play as the basis of the language of movement. Play as an infinite loop, each time in a new form. Play in which the rules manifest themselves in the hands of the people who apply, follow, change, modify, manipulate and ignore them. Play as a place of pleasure and harmony, but also of conflict and power. Play as a mirror of our possibilities, our nature and our coexistence. But also as a statement about the body and about dance.

‘Play’ occupies a special place in kabinet k’s creative processes. After a good 15 years in which play was the thread running through its creations, this time the company intends to give it the leading role.

Il existe une sorte de pays, très petit, si petit qu’il ressemble un peu à une scène de théâtre. Il est habité deux ou trois fois par jour par son peuple. Les habitants sont petits de taille. S’ils vivent selon les lois, en tout cas, ils n’arrêtent pas de les remettre en cause, et de se battre violemment à ce propos. Ce pays s’appelle «La Cour», et son peuple «Les Enfants». Lorsque «Les Enfants» vont dans «La Cour», ils découvrent, éprouvent la «force de sentiments ou la servitude humaine», on appelle cela “La Récréation"

Claire Simon


choreography Joke Laureyns & Kwint Manshoven music Thomas Smetryns with Marieke Berendsen, Nona De Neve, Ilena Deboeverie, Marie-Lou Liberale, Lorenz Ludovic Maes, Kwint Manshoven, Juliette Spildooren, Louise Tanoto, Lili Van Den Bruel, Aya Vanvinckenroye scenography Amy Franceschini & Kwint Manshoven dramaturg Mieke Versyp photography Kurt Van der Elst production manager Famke Dhont production kabinet k, LOD muziektheater & hetpaleis with the support of the Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian federal gouvernment tax shelter partner Flanders Tax Shelter